Longleat 2015

District Longleat Trip 2015

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from 62nd joined the whole of Cabot District on a trip to Longleat Safari Park. We enjoyed the animals as well as being able to renew our Promises in front of Longleat House.

 The Beavers and Friday Scouts particularly enjoyed the slow motion camel fight being played out in front of their eyes. Thankfully, the excellent Longleat staff were on hand to intervene and separate the camels to their respective corners.

 The Beavers didn’t perhaps enjoy the maze – finding a little bigger than anticipated! They did escape eventually though!

Thank you to everyone who came and helped out. We had the second biggest Group in the District.

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Hmmm… it’s getting worse!   photo IMG_1947 i_zpsutr3tb42.jpg photo IMG_1784_zpsqtk8eowf.jpg photo IMG_1945 i_zpswa3zhp2e.jpg photo IMG_1760 i_zpsalruostm.jpg photo IMG_1766 i_zpsotfjdmks.jpg photo IMG_1641 i_zps1xhxztwm.jpg photo IMG_1626 i_zps4v1m8mwh.jpg photo IMG_1619 i_zpsecfnvhj6.jpg photo IMG_1636 i_zpsdbd2y3eb.jpg photo IMG_1639 i_zpsaz8vnth1.jpg62nd Scout Leaders take over the District tent…   photo IMG_1621 i_zpsgdpfczw4.jpg photo IMG_1665 i_zpsxbnhlr2m.jpg photo IMG_1644 i_zpspuev76ma.jpg photo IMG_1653 i_zpszwxyoxed.jpg photo IMG_1767 i_zpslimaquax.jpg photo IMG_1707 i_zpsds28qpdn.jpg photo IMG_1991 i_zpsdnebrg6d.jpg photo IMG_1740 i_zpsggg5g71q.jpg photo IMG_1704 i_zpsolslwev1.jpg photo IMG_1697 i_zpsi35yy89i.jpg photo IMG_1612 i_zps8qjo8hfg.jpg


 photo IMG_1958 i_zps2vzcsuz3.jpgLook Mum, I do eat lettuce!



 photo Longleat 2015 9_zps4x0zhreg.jpg photo Longleat 2015 16_zpsxtnavvih.jpg photo Longleat 2015 17_zpsonz9be7u.jpg photo Longleat 2015 24_zpsnny3bv4r.jpg…whoops!   photo Longleat 2015 6_zpsccexxhii.jpg photo Longleat 2015 21_zpsvixr3cj4.jpg photo Longleat 2015 8_zpso0unuqam.jpg photo Longleat 2015 1_zpsmwhtarp8.jpg photo Longleat 2015 11_zpskip3cng9.jpg photo Longleat 2015 7_zpswbpjjz45.jpg photo Longleat 2015 14_zpsuijkpa8c.jpg