Halloween 2013

Halloween 2013

So, are the leaders just some sort of evil reincarnation of Pat Sharp and twins Melanie and Martina!?

Thanks to the Thursday Cubs going to town with scrap store goodies the hall this year looked superbly halloweeny, complete with real massive spider crawling around the end of the tunnel.

 2 hours of gungtastic messiness, followed by 2 hours of clear up the following day and of course…

…2 weeks of picking flour out of places where flour really shouldn’t reach.

 The tunnel of goo was this years highlight ensuring good head to toe coverage of anyone who dared to enter. Fab night, each year is simply the best ever!


 photo Halloween20135_zps1a324f97.jpg photo Halloween20136_zps18eef6c9.jpgNo, it wasn’t a big willy… it’s the large intestines (and a pair of lungs)  photo Halloween201316_zps853dcce5.jpgScary halloween clown…  photo Halloween201317_zpsfe8cd73d.jpg photo Halloween201320_zps0b0b885c.jpgSome Scouts were very impressed we used wrapped chocolate this year and not Jelly Babies (which some still ate of course…)  photo Halloween201322_zpsbe6042de.jpgThe tunnel of terror…  photo Halloween201334i_zpse55e0d9d.jpg photo Halloween201335_zpse0b9111e.jpg photo Halloween201340_zpsf0ff7c7f.jpg photo Halloween201342_zps334609b7.jpg photo Halloween201352_zps78ed24b9.jpg photo Halloween201357_zpse1c275c1.jpg photo Halloween201359_zps5e41a0cd.jpg photo Halloween201363_zpsf652caea.jpg photo Halloween201365_zps56d78be9.jpgNo, it’s the LARGE INTESTINES!!!(and some carrots – what were those meant to be!?)  photo Halloween201366_zpsaa8c272e.jpg photo Halloween201367_zpsecca483d.jpg photo Halloween201369_zps8bb293ae.jpg photo Halloween201373i_zpscfbe6137.jpg photo Halloween201377i_zps47cde4ae.jpg photo Halloween201378_zps089391d5.jpg photo Halloween201379_zps5360573b.jpg photo Halloween201380_zpsbcc5eed2.jpg photo Halloween201383_zps09b7f08a.jpg photo Halloween201384_zpsaef8aa23.jpg photo Halloween201387_zps33413ccc.jpg photo Halloween201389i_zpse6fcc5ce.jpg photo Halloween201392_zps6a4d61a4.jpgHis bouffant collapsed rather spectacularly!  photo Halloween201396_zpsb5daf38e.jpg

 The mess was contained rather well, until…