Christmas 2015

Carol Singing and Carol Service 2015

..Sainsbury’s on Gloucester Road have been kind enough to have 62nd Bristol Scout Troop as their charity of the year. To help celebrate this a smal, but select, crowd of 62nders hung around outside on a wet blustery Christmas Saturday to sing a few carols. They entertained the passers by for 3 hours and due to the wind, they even heard us half way up Gloucester Road.

 Thank you all for a fantastic morning!


  photo Carol Singing 2015 5 i_zps6najqprt.jpg photo Carol Singing 2015 3_zpsjvvw3ifv.jpg photo Carol Singing 2015 2_zps5ahfcrv0.jpg   photo Carol Singing 2015 6_zpsk3xbjbxh.jpgOur excellent conductor!   Carol Service 2015   The uniformed sections of Horfield Methodist Church joined festive forces for their annual carol service in the church. Each section provided their bit, linked and guided skillfully together by Cub leader Tim. The charity Caring at Christmas gave a fantastic speech and took away donations to help them over Christmas.  In a lovely extra for this year the church prvided lunch for around 50 people before hand.    photo Carol Service 2015 1_zpsiqogaysv.jpg photo Carol Service 2015 2_zpsrd4kdf9x.jpg