Belgium 2008 Menin Gate


Belgium 2008


Menin Gate, Zonnebeke Museum, Tyne Cot Cemetery and German Cemetery

The culmination of the first part of our trip was parading at the Menin Gate in Ieper during the Last Post Ceremony. Without getting all emotional we are very proud of all our Scouts for their exemplary attitude and respect throughout the short ceremony.

There was a far bigger crowd than we had anticipated, both sides of the Menin Gate appeared 2 or 3 people deep, in fact it was tricky to find a spot to get decent photos. We paraded into the main area in silence, the Union flag and our Group flag at the front. A stiff breeze ensured that at times they flew proudly and prominently.

Soon after, the Buglers of the Last Post Association paraded in opposite us and sounded the Last Post, aside from camera flashes the place was still and silent, the bugles echoing around the monument. This has been played over 27, 500 times in this spot since 1928, with the exception of a period during the 2nd World War, when it moved to England.

Later in the ceremony we were to lay a wreath as many have done before us. One Scout and one Leader paraded smartly across the parade area pausing briefly in reflection.

The conclusion to the ceremony was us parading out across to the other end of the monument.

Before during and after the ceremony we simply lost track of the amount of people that approached us to either welcome us, thank us or just make themselves known becuase they were local to us in Bristol and were on holiday. We were extremely pleased to meet a gentleman whom I believe had started Scouting in Ieper back in 1942.